What alternative health

practitioners might not tell you



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Read the original article

"Australian researchers have just...[published] a systematic review aimed at systematically reviewing all reports of serious adverse events following lumbo-pelvic SMT...The authors' conclusion was that this systematic review describes case details from published articles that describe serious adverse events that have been reported to occur following SMT of the lumbo-pelvic region. The anecdotal nature of these cases does not allow for causal inferences between SMT and the events identified in this review...The authors make a strong point about the fact that case reports never allow causal inference. One can only agree with this notion. However, the precautionary principle in medicine also means that, if case reports provide reasonable suspicion that an intervention might led to adverse-effects, we need to be careful and should warn patients of this possibility. It also means that it is up to the users of SMT to demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that SMT is safe." Edzard Ernst (23rd June 2013)