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NOTE: The mercury-based preservative thiomersal (which was formerly used in childhood vaccines) is known as 'thimerosal' in the USA.


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Vaccination concerns

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Conclusions: "The significance of this finding is that MMR vaccination is most unlikely to be a main cause of ASD (autism spectrum disorders), that it cannot explain the rise over time in the incidence of ASD, and that withdrawal of MMR in countries where it is still being used cannot be expected to lead to a reduction in the incidence of ASD." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (June 2005)

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"The evidence is that MMR is not associated with autism in children. The quality, validity, and size of that evidence is overwhelming. There is no temporal relationship between MMR vaccination and autism, nor any different sort of autism associated with MMR, nor bowel problems. Autism rates began to rise before MMR, and continue to rise even if MMR is withdrawn. Autism rates tend to be lower in children vaccinated with MMR, though not significantly so." Bandolier Extra — Independent evidence-based thinking about health care (April 2005) [pdf]

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The latest scientific evidence: Summary and transcript of the BBC Horizon programme. Also includes MMR questions and answers. BBC Science and Nature (2005)

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Concludes that, based on current literature, it appears that there is no relationship between MMR vaccination and the development of autism. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy (1st June 2004)

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Fact sheet containing the IOM's Immunization Safety Review Committee's most notable conclusions from a report by the IOM on vaccines and autism. The committee concluded that neither thimerosal-containing vaccines or MMR vaccine are associated with autism, that the hypotheses regarding a link between autism and MMR vaccine and thimerosal-containing vaccines lack supporting evidence and are only theoretical, and that future research to find the cause of autism should be directed toward other promising lines of inquiry that are supported by current knowledge and evidence and offer more promise for providing an answer. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (May 2004) [pdf]

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The medical journal (The Lancet) at the centre of a row over controversial MMR research says it should not have published the original paper. This article examines the long-running debate over the safety of the three-in-one jab. BBC News (23rd February 2004)

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"There is now unequivocal evidence that MMR is not a risk factor for autism — this statement is not spin or medical conspiracy, but reflects an unprecedented volume of medical study on a worldwide basis." BBC News UK (31st October 2003)

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Concludes that the results do not support a causal relationship between childhood vaccination with thimerosal-containing vaccines and development of autistic-spectrum disorders. The Journal of the American Medical Association (1st October 2003)

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Conclusion: "The body of existing data, including the ecologic data presented herein, is not consistent with the hypothesis that increased exposure to Thimerosal-containing vaccines is responsible for the apparent increase in the rates of autism in young children being observed worldwide." American Journal of Preventive Medicine (August 2003)

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"In conclusion, our study has confirmed previous investigations, suggesting that some CAM providers have a negative attitude towards immunisation, specifically MMR." Katja Schmidt and Edzard Ernst, Vaccine (2003) [pdf]